Toddler 2~3years old | Preschooler 3~4years old | Time | Pre-kinder 4~5years old | Kindergarten 5~6years old |
School open | School open | 8:00~ 8:30 | School open | School open |
Arrival | Arrival | 8:30~ 9:30 | Arrival | Arrival |
Exercise | Exercise | 9:30~10:00 | Exercise | Exercise |
English study Kincarn's original program | English study Kincarn's original program | 10:00~11:00 | English study Kincarn's original program | English study Kincarn's original program |
Free play | Free play | 11:00~11:30 | Free play | Free play |
Lunch | Lunch | 11:30~12:15 | Lunch | Lunch |
Free play | Free play | 12:15~13:00 | Free play | Free play |
Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program | Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program | 13:00~14:00 | Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program | Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program |
Free play | Free play | 14:00~14:30 | Free play | Free play |
Nap | Nap | 14:30~15:10 | English reading activity | English reading activity |
Nap | Nap | 15:10~15:50 | Japanese study 小学校就学前知育学習 | Japanese study 小学校就学前知育学習 |
Snack | Snack | 15:50~16:30 | Snack | Snack |
Game / Free play | Japanese class | 16:30~17:00 | Free play | Free play |
Pick up time | Pick up time | 17:00~17:30 | Pick up time | Pick up time |
School close | School close | 17:30~18:00 | School close | School close |
【School security/Safety measure】
We monitor visitors by security camera at all times. We keep track of children’s attendance on an application system that also sends a notice to parents. We regularly inspect the school facilities.
Our school building has an earthquake-resistant structure. In the event of a disaster, we remain in the school and try to reach out to parents through the school application. The school conducts an evacuation drill once a month with the children. We believe that the evacuation drill will help children learn what and how to act when an actual disaster happens. We also check our evacuation route and the designated evacuation shelter.
【Safety class】
Together with Kawasaki city’s community safety division and Kawasaki police department, we also conduct traffic safety class and crime prevention class for the children.