



KINCARNインターナショナルスクールは、日本語と英語の両方の言語を大切にした総合カリキュラムのインターナショナルスクールです。幼稚園と保育園の両方の機能を持った機関として1998年にオープンしました。 KINCARNは、子どもたちの基本的生活習慣の育成とともに、将来の夢実現の力となるクオリティの高い多くの教育系プログラムを提供しています。以下は、KINCARNが提供する主要な教育プログラムです。

KINCARN International School teaches both Japanese and English languages. This is an international school with a comprehensive curriculum. It opened in 1998 as an institution that functions as both a kindergarten and a nursery school. KINCARN also fosters basic lifestyle habits in children. We offer many high-quality educational programs that will help you realize your future dreams.
The educational programs offered by KINCARN International School are as follows:


【Intellectual Development Program】
This program aims to stimulate children’s intellectual curiosity and improve their self-expression skills. Through various activities related to mathematics, science, social sciences, language, art, music, sports, computers, and the environment, children discover and learn about themselves.


【Social Development Program】
This program aims to help children acquire social skills and learn to work with others. Through group activities and projects, children improve their communication, cooperation, leadership, and problem-solving skills.


【Physical Development Program】
This program aims to help children maintain a healthy body and improve their physical abilities. Through activities such as exercise, dance, gymnastics, and sports, children keep themselves healthy and have fun.


【Artistic Development Program】
This program aims to help children develop their creativity and artistic talents. Through activities such as painting, music, rhythm and movement (litmics), drama, and dance, children express themselves and learn.


【Language Development Program】
This program aims to help children learn both Japanese and English languages and improve their communication skills. Children communicate and learn using both Japanese and English languages.

多言語教育とグローバル教育の最大の違いは、目的が「言語習得」だけではないことです。 グローバル教育の目的は「世界規模で世の中を捉えられるようになること」です。 多国籍の先生やお友達とのコミュニケーションや多言語を含む広い分野の学びがあります。また世界の行事や文化に触れる機会やダイバーシティーの環境を通して国際的な感性を育てます。そして自分の国や外国や多様性への理解を深めていきます。私たちは「グローバル教育の基礎づくり」を進めていきます。

【Global education】
The biggest difference between multilingual education and global education is that the purpose is not just “language acquisition.” The purpose of global education is to “be able to understand the world on a global scale.”
Communication with multinational teachers and friends There is a wide range of learning opportunities including multiple languages. We also cultivate international sensibilities through world events and a diverse environment. They will also deepen their understanding of their own country, foreign countries, and diversity. We will continue to “build the foundations of global education.”
KINCARN provides an environment for children to discover, learn, and grow.

Program details/プログラム詳細

Languages / 言語Japanese, English, vocabulary, word amount, four skills日本語、英語、語い、語量、四技能
Arithmetic / 算数 Number, quantity, shape, space and basic calculations.数、量、図形、空間、計算の基礎
Society / 社会Environment around us, the countries of the world.身の回りの環境・世界の国々
Science / 理科 Plants, animals, nature, and research.植物・動物・自然・研究
Music / 音楽Singing, rhythm instruments, eurythmics.歌・リズム・楽器・リトミック
Arts and crafts / 図工 Painting, production issues, expressive activity.絵画・課題制作・表現活動
Physical education / 体育Gymnastics, kids aerobics, dance, games.体操・キッズエアロビクス・ダンス・ゲーム
Sentiment / 情操Mental play, drama play, free production.メンタルプレイ・ドラマプレイ・自由制作
Representation / 表現Presentation Training, represented the theme. ictプレゼンテーショントレーニング・テーマ表現 ict
Life / 生活 Rules, manners, social skills, communication skills.ルール・マナー・ソーシャルスキル・コミュニケーションスキル

Post-Graduation Career Path/卒園後の進路

Private Elementary School/私立小学校

  • 暁星国際小学校(Gyosei Primary School)
  • カリタス小学校(Caritas Elementary School)
  • 成城学園小学校(Seijo Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 加藤学園暁秀初等学校(Katoh Gakuen Gyoshu Elementary School)
  • 玉川学園小学校(Tamagawa Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 横浜三育小学校(Yokohama Sanyiku Elementary School)
  • 立教小学校(Rikkyo Elementary School)
  • 横浜雙葉小学校(Yokohama Futaba Elementary School)
  • 湘南白百合学園小学校(Shonan Shirayuri Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 目黒星美学園小学校(Meguro Seibi Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 東京女学館小学校(Tokyo Jogakkan Elementary School)
  • 湘南学園小学校(Shonan Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 清明学園初等学校(Seimei Academy Elementary School)
  • 関東学院小学校(Kanto Gakuin Elementary School)
  • 暁星小学校(Gyosei Elementary School)
  • 田園調布雙葉小学校(Denenchofu Futaba Elementary School)
  • 聖ヨゼフ小学校(St. Joseph Elementary School)
  • 慶應義塾幼稚舎(Keio University Elementary School)
  • 精華小学校(Seika Elementary School)
  • 森村学園初等部(Morimura Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 桐蔭学園小学校(Toin Gakuen Elementary School)
  • 文教大付属小学校(Bunkyo University Elementary School)

International school

  • Aoba International school
  • Santa Maria International school
  • Horizon japan International school
  • Yokohama International school
  • Canadian International school
  • Global Indian International school

Friendship Schools/友好関係校

  • Gyosei International Elementary School (Kisarazu, Chiba)-暁星国際小学校(千葉県木更津市)
  • Columbia International school (埼玉県所沢市)
  • Canadian International school (東京都品川区北品川)
  • Horizon japan International school – Yokohama Campus (神奈川県横浜市東寺尾)

We have built friendly and strong relations with the following International schools: Gyousei International School, Columbia International School, Canadian International School and many others. In particular, with so many Kincarn graduates attending Gyosusei International School, since 2003 a school bus conveniently runs directly from Kawasaki Station to their school.


After graduating from kindergarten, the students will move on to elementary school. Kindergarten will have helped them build and master the important social skills they need to advance to elementary school. At this important stage we greatly consider how their learning environment prepares them for this transition. Each individual family can independently choose a school of their choice from among a list of options that includes national, public, private or international school. Kindergarten equips them with the necessary and required skills gained from their day to day kindergarten life which cherishes their individual abilities and helps each and every one of them reach their full potential.

卒園後は小学生。小学校へ進級するための社会的な準備を幼稚園や保育園では日々の園生活を通して育てていきます。 また、就学してからの学習環境を考えて行くこともこの時期の大切な準備。


